“I know that without music, I would be lost" - Martin Scorsese

Here at CULTPLEX we often talk about the majesty of the big screen experience, but we also feel just as strongly about a trip to the cinema also being a feast for the ears, as well as the eyes. Nothing beats sitting in the dark of the auditorium, with iconic orchestral & electronic film scores shaking the room whilst the action unfolds.

We really wanted to have a celebration of film music, so we're excited to introduce CULT SOUNDS, a new regular event at CULTPLEX which will be solely focused on the musical experience of cinema, with us playing homage to a particular composer/artist at each event. 

With minimal visuals, audiences will sit back in the dark of our cinema for an hour to mutually appreciate and truly focus on the musical work of these composers through our cinema sound system.

CULT SOUNDS MARCH: The very first edition of CULT SOUNDS will be dedicated to perhaps the most beloved composer (and legendary filmmaker) to both the cinema and our audience: Mr John Carpenter!
In addition to being one of the greatest cult film directors in the history of cinema, John Carpenter is also renowned as a musician and composer, creating iconic soundtracks to his films such as Halloween, Escape from New York, The Fog and They Live. In the past few years Carpenter has also taken his soundtracks on the road, playing live shows to audiences across the world.
Join us at this edition of CULT SOUNDS to celebrate the masterpiece snythscapes of JOHN CARPENTER!
🎟️ Book your spot here.